Friday, September 5, 2008


Today I am paying for not physically working out for months. I was so faithful for so long - since I turned 50 when I began an exercise program for the first time in my life - and then a series of events happened a few months ago which derailed everything, and now here I am, out of shape and miserable. So finally I laced up my sneakers and headed outside on a beautiful September day for a nice walk.

Today - my shins hurt. Every step I take causes pain to shoot up the front of my legs and I am annoyed that I allowed myself to get to this point. And also that my age is a factor in everything anymore. It will take me weeks to get back to where I was a few months ago.

I came from a family that never did anything very physical. It was not the best legacy, but it is what it is. Now I struggle to make myself get out and sweat just because I know its good for me. And I have a message for all those people who hvae told me over the years that I would learn to love it: I hate it. And I always will.

Especially when my shins hurt.

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